Thursday 20 January 2011

First impressions

Walking around in the Old city of Jerusalem is like being in a tale from Arabian Nights ("1001 nights"); Narrow streets winding up and down like a maze you can easily get lost in, even with a map; Colourful wares of all sorts everywhere in small shops, that can be closed with big metal doors, completely hiding which type of shop is behind; Lots of people in different clothing: Jews with kippahs or black hats and curls, women with scarves, Christian priests in black robes (and tourists with cameras on their belly and same-coloured caps); street cats everywhere, small carts (no room for cars, and also the stairs make it impossible). I was afraid we wouldn't get enough excersice here, but all the walking up and down has proven me wrong.

التجول في القدس القديمة كحضور في حكاية من ألف ليلى وليلى؛ شوارع ضيقة تلف إلى الأعلى وإلى الأسفل كمتاهة يضيع سهلاً فيها حتى لو معك خريطة؛ سلع للبيع (colorful) من كل أنواع في كل المكان في دكاكين صغيرة تغلق بأبواب معدنية كبيرة تختفى تماماً الدكان خلفها؛ عدد كبير من ناس بملابس مختلفة:

(to be continued)

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