Monday 31 January 2011

Weather report

Rain and showers. Third day now - and we're SO happy we've moved indoor in a house, and don't live in the bungalow on the roof of Citadel Hostel any more, it would have been very wet. And I don't like that.

I'm glad I brought my rain clothes! So I could go shopping today in the old city; where I wondered why umbrella in Arabic is called "shamsiyya" from shams=Sun, when it's against rain, so shouldn't it be called matariyya? - and in the city centre; where I was amused to see a Jewish guy with a platic cover over his traditional hat, but otherwise nothing special against the rain.

It seems like the rain tries to catch up with the expectance for it; norm for Jerusalem in January is around 130mm, and according to those we've talked to, it hasn't rained properly i January. Before now.
But it's also kind of homely. ;)

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