Saturday 19 March 2011

Bike trip to Galilee - day 2

Getting out of Nazareth onto the biking path we had seen on the map was almost as difficult as finding our way in. But on the way we passed a butcher - who sold pork! Or more important: bacon!

We found something that could be the biking path, got a bit lost, but ended up in the right direction. We went on parts of the Jesus Trail, a hiking route from Nazareth to Capernaum, and a very beautiful one on mountains and lots of green nature - and right now also with loads of flowers.

We came out of the mountains and drove down a main road to Lake Kinneret (also known as the Sea of Galilee) - down from above sea level to 200m below sea level at the lake's shore. Our legs got some rest from all the climbing, and I enjoyed the speed and the gorgeous view over the lake and the mountains.

We spottet a fruit plantage and "accidentially" some grapefruit fell down in our hands, and we had to eat them. Nice and juicy - and a welcome variation from all the water we had to drink (the Sun was baking us; thanks to time of year and the light clouds that it wasn't hotter!).

We arrived at the Karei Deshe Hostel, where they had failed to find a receptionist for the day, and the sleepy cousin was put on the job instead. The place looked wonderful - almost too much for us - but the service was non-existing. Though, we got our room and food, and a dip in the lake.

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