Sunday 20 March 2011

Bike trip to Galilee - day 3

We started the day with listening to a Christian service down at the lake's shore. They sang on the melody for "Dejlig er Jorden", a pilgrimsong. Very beautiful in the morning light.

Our first detour on our way around Lake Kinneret was a up on the Mount of Beatitudes (where Jesus is believed to have given his speech "blessed are the..."). There's a relatively new Italian church, a monestry and a wonderful garden, even moreprety right now with all the flowers.

We had found a map at the hostel with smaller biking and hiking paths than what our own map had. We tried to find these biking paths, but apparently they had gone, maybe because of the rain season. So in the Jordan River delta we faced a lot of mud and paths washed away - or just blocked by trees.

After lunch we took the main road to feel we did move. Then we tried to find yet another bike path on the map, and ended up climping a hill of the Golan Heights, on a path which was overgrown with flowers.

But it was maybe the most beautiful view we got from the top, and there were so many different colourful flowers and plants. We could se the city of Tiberias on the other side of the lake, the mountains behind, and see to both the north and south end of the lake.

We caught a bus from the south tip of the lake back to Jerusalem. We would have liked a swim before going on the bus, but all the beaches were private and locked up. So all our fellow passengers had the "pleasure" to share our odour of 3 days hard work in the sun.

Back home with sore legs the treat was bacon! I'm pretty proud of us, it was a tough trip, but really wonderful!

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