Saturday 26 February 2011

All this religiousness

Jews in traditional clothes,
Monks and nones èn masse in and around the Old City
Pilgrims walking and chanting, carrying a cross on Via Dolorosa (the believed path Jesus went with his cross - and it has changed several time over the centuries)
Muslim women with scarfs, some few with niqab
Big beards, wheather Muslim, Jewmish or Armish...
Souvenirs and souvenirs and tonnes of souvenirs from the three religions, often side by side.

One should think I would get inspired by it all.
But what I was most inspired by was a video send to me by a friend in DK, "Science saved my soul".
We're all made of stardust, everything we have here on Earth has at some point been inside a star. We're very small and unimportant. But we're here. Able to observe it all, to marvel over nature and everything in it, from the smallest plants growing, to the biggest stars and galaxies.

No restrictions from any God in this view (I miss leverpostej!), but because I am so amazed of how everything works (created by a God or not), because I think it's all so beautiful, I want not to harm it, and therefore I am kind to it.

And this is enough for me.
For now.

Let's see if Jerusalem can change my view...

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