Thursday 17 February 2011

Do you have a joke?

Link to the teaser

Tonight we went to the French Culturel Centre in Jerusalem (and it was easy to find! - once we had found the address on the internet, which wasn't so easy, why write it on the poster for the event?) to watch a documentary with the titles "3endak nokta" in Arabic and "(No) laughing matter" in English. It's about a French woman traveling around Palestine to find and record examples of Palestinian humor, an idea she got while she stayed in the country learning Palestinian (after 3 years of Arabic studies in france). She was amazed that the Palestinians in their peculiar situation were still able to joke about it and about each other, and she wanted to show this to the rest of the world, who normally only hear about Palestine in the news connected to words like terrorist, suicidebomber, and extremists.

We laughed a lot, sometimes of "common" jokes about stupid people from Hebron (like we have molbo-historier in Denmark), sometimes because the situation in the joke was too absurd (e.g. involving and exploded bus with killed people as the setting), sometimes just because the people in the movie laughed. It was nice to see people find a way to cope with the situation - but still the French director managed to show the situation for the Palestinians, to show the context of the jokes.

A nice little movie, not too naïve, if you get a chance to see it, do it.

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