Friday 4 February 2011

Shabbat dinner

Our roommate made delicious shabbat dinner for us today. Our landlord joined the dinner (landlady in Tel Aviv, and other roommate out with some musician friends so we were just the four of us), and they did "the full thing" for us; reading from the Torah (I assume) and joining in with "Amen" (the only word I understood in all the Hebrew!). Then filled a glass with wine to it spilled over, to symbolise that God makes everything plenty on this table, that it will never miss anything, and everybody drank from it in turns, by age. Breakiing the bread and dipping it in salt, giving to everybody, and then we were ready to start the main dinner.
And of course the men wore yarmulkas (the Jewish scull cap) to be decent. We forgot the singing, our roommate said afterwards, but we'll do that another time.

Next friday the other roommate has invited us for Kabbala shabbat, which is more singing, mysticism kinda shabbat. I hope I can join a bit late, after my oud lesson.

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